As you begin planning for your wedding, it is our job as your minister to make sure your ceremony is both a memorable event and a reflection of your relationship. We serve as a listener and a guide and we will work with you to create a service that reflects your desires, choices, values, and beliefs. We are a resource for you, drawing on our experience with over 1400 couples.
Preparation for a marriage is key, and getting ready for a wedding as opposed to getting ready for a marriage are two separate things. Every wedding couple receives premarital counseling as a part of their service. However, if you are seeking couples counseling (pre or post wedding) as a stand-alone service, we would be more than happy to help you as well.
David Anderson
Wedding Chaplain
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Officiate Information
Further Reading
Educational Background
AA Religion/ BS Christian Ministries
MA Theological Studies/ ThM Master of Theology
D.Min in Pastoral Counseling
David's Linktree Page
Educational Background
BA Theology
MA Pastoral Ministries
Educational Background
Licensed and ordained minister (American Baptist)
BA, Alderson Broaddus University
MA, West Virginia University
MDiv. Palmer Theological Seminary
Educational Background
Bachelors Degree in Jewish studies
Education Background
AA, University of Akron
BA, Malone College
MDiv. Trinity Lutheran Seminary